Inductive Position Sensor IPS2550, The Ideal xEV Position Sensor for Resolver Replacement

可替代旋转变压器xEV用 位置传感器的最佳选择-电感式位置传感器 IPS2550

是否正在为您的 xEV 电机寻找最佳位置传感器? 我们将为您介绍电感式位置传感器IPS2550以及应用了这款位置传感器的逆变器系统。

Battery management system trends, issues, and solutions



Beyond the Edge: AI at the Endpoint

Beyond the Edge: AI at the Endpoint

As machine learning (ML) inference moves to device endpoints, integrated AI will power a complex combination of tech to create smart applications with which we can interact more naturally.

Blog image FT Global Dealmaking Summit

Renesas CEO Interview: Highlights from FT Global Dealmaking Summit

Hidetoshi Shibata, Renesas’ CEO, recently joined the FT Global Dealmaking Summit 2021 hosted by the Financial Times and shared Renesas’ M&A goals and recent examples. 

Selecting the Best Device for Converter Clocking Applications

This blog helps customers find the right devices to use when they are looking for a high-performance clock to drive their data converters.

RX Family Software – The Past and the Future

RX系列软件的进化史和对未来的展望 #1

In this series, I am going to introduce the history of the software for the 32-bit RX family MCU, which Renesas developed and provided so that users can develop applications with less or no coding. Today is the first blog in this series, which is about our support for development of small and low-power embedded devices with internet connection.

Evolution of sensing equipment and force sensor measurement using RX23E-A



RapidCharge™ Controllers Prevent Fast Charger Hacking Blog

RapidCharge™ Controllers Prevent Fast Charger Hacking

Fast chargers and power supplies designed with Renesas' Rapid Charge™ controllers cannot be hacked, because they are hard-wired state machines that have no firmware that can be accessed and corrupted.

Smart Glasses


Laurence 讲述了在开发下一代无线充电解决方案以适应可穿戴技术的成型过程和所面临的挑战。