
环境传感器与汽车传感器 IC 解决方案

瑞萨在业界拥有逾 20 年的丰富经验,堪称传感器技术供应专家,可帮助客户构建业界最佳的传感器解决方案。随着我们的传感器技术不断横向扩展,瑞萨将致力于打造极富差异化的独特传感器解决方案。

  • 丰富的经验 – 我们将当今数十年来科技发展的知识、技能和数据成果全面应用到未来的解决方案中
  • 深受信赖的可靠合作伙伴 – 作为业经验证的供应商,已为各大消费类电子产品和汽车制造商提供数以百万计的部件
  • 业界最佳性能 – 具有低功耗、高准确度特性的解决方案,满足 ISO 26262 标准和汽车 EMC 的高可靠性要求



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Sensors for Better Living

Whether we know it or not, we interact with sensors everyday. Smart sensors monitor the air quality, temperature and humidity levels in our homes, our schools, our buildings, and factories. They monitor our environment to improve our health, making our lives safer. Renesas is making it easier to design complex inter-connected sensor systems that work seamlessly together, offering you, the designer, complete sensor systems, from microcontrollers, sensors, networking technology, supporting software and, hardware, to machine learning algorithms….. that enables you get your design to market faster. 


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