

瑞萨提供丰富的低功耗、高速、符合行业标准的 SRAM 产品线,为工业和通信市场提供高可靠、稳定供应和长期支持的产品。

萨电子 的FIFO存储系列组合包括 140 多种同步、异步和双向产品,可解决芯片间的通信协议问题,如通信速率匹配、缓冲和总线匹配。 瑞萨电子的多端口存储器系列组合包含100 多种双端口、四端口和区块可切换双端口等异步或同步产品。


瑞萨电子是存储器接口设备的行业翘楚,提供符合 JEDEC 标准的寄存时钟驱动器 (RCD) 和数据缓冲器 (DB) 产品,可满足双列直插式内存模块 (DIMM) 和存储器接口苛严的时序要求。 瑞萨电子还提供高性能、低电压标准逻辑器件和总线开关逻辑器件。

瑞萨电子 NOR 闪存产品组合提供各种非易失性存储器 (NVM) 产品,其功能旨在帮助调整和优化您的系统。




How DDR4 LRDIMMs Transcend RDIMMs in Today's Enterprise Servers

A white paper authored by IDT (acquired by Renesas) and Micron details research into memory and bandwidth for today's high-performance servers. LRDIMMS and RDIMMS traditionally have been seen as complementary, with the former targeting applications requiring deeper memory and the latter for applications requiring higher bandwidth. 

The introduction of 8-gigabit DRAMS has resulted in a growing number of Internet applications benefiting from both deeper memories and higher bandwidth. This paper shows how 32 GB 2RX4 LRDIMMs transcend similar RDIMMs to meet the needs of today’s data center enterprise servers, by providing an optimal combination of deeper memory and higher data bandwidth, even at mainstream module densities.

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