

The SAP5S/SAP51 is a next-generation CMOS integrated circuit for AS-Interface networks. This low-level field bus AS-i (Actuator Sensor Interface) was designed for easy, safe, and cost-effective interconnection of sensors, actuators, and switches. It transports both power and data over the same two-wire unshielded cable.

The SAP5S/SAP51 is used as part of a master or slave node and functions as an interface to the physical bus. It provides the power supply, physical data transfer, and communication protocol handling. The SAP5S/SAP51 is fully compliant with the AS-Interface Complete Specification v3.0. It is function and pin compatible with the SAP4.1 (AS2702). The SAP5S/SAP51 can be programmed by the user to operate in Standard Slave mode, Safety mode (SAP5S only), or Master mode. The special AS-i Safety mode (SAP5S only) assures short response times regarding security-related events.

All configuration data are stored in an internal EEPROM that can be easily programmed by a stationary or handheld programming device. The SAP5S/SAP51 is optimized for harsh environments by its special burst protection circuitry and excellent electromagnetic compatibility.


  • Compliant with the AS-Interface Complete Specification v3.0
  • Universal application: slaves, masters, repeaters
  • Integrated safety code generator (SAP5S only)
  • On-chip electronic inductor: 55mA current drive capability
  • Two LED outputs to support all AS-Interface Complete Specification v3.0 status indication modes
  • User programmable to operation in Standard Slave mode, Safety mode, or Master mode
  • Supports 5.33MHz and 16MHz crystals by automatic frequency detection
  • Data pre-processing functions
  • Clock and communication watchdogs for high system security




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数据手册 PDF 931 KB
指南 7Z 1.21 MB
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数据手册 - 简易格式 PDF 174 KB
技术摘要 PDF 343 KB
应用文档 登录后下载 PDF 644 KB
手册 - 开发工具 PDF 279 KB
数据手册 - 简易格式 PDF 192 KB
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