Evaluation Kit for 8V49NS0412
The EVK-8V49NS0412 evaluation board kit is a platform that is designed to help the customer evaluate Renesas' 8V49NS0412 and 8V49NS0312 FemtoClock® NG 12-output clock...
The 8V49NS0412 is a flexible clock generator with a total of four output dividers: three integer and one that is either integer or fractional. When used with an external crystal, the 8V49NS0412 generates high-performance timing geared towards the communications, datacom, and data center markets, especially for applications demanding extremely low phase noise, such as 10, 40, 100, and 400GE. The device is offered in a lead-free 64-VFQFN package and is designed to operate across the full industrial temperature range.
The 8V49NS0412 provides versatile frequency configurations and output formats and is optimized to deliver excellent phase noise performance. The device delivers an optimum combination of high clock frequency and low phase noise performance, combined with high-power supply noise rejection. Flexibility and ease of programmability allow these devices to be used in a variety of clock trees while reducing engineering effort. The device is programmable through an I²C interface and also supports I²C master capability to allow the register configuration to be read from an external EEPROM. Renesas' Timing Commander™ software tool enables a fast and easy reconfiguration of the device.
Software title
Software type
Timing Commander Timing Commander™ 是一个基于 Windows™ 的创新软件平台,通过这个平台,系统设计工程师可以通过直观且灵活的图形用户界面 (GUI) 对精密的计时设备进行配置、编程和监控。
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1 item
The EVK-8V49NS0412 evaluation board kit is a platform that is designed to help the customer evaluate Renesas' 8V49NS0412 and 8V49NS0312 FemtoClock® NG 12-output clock...
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