
本隐私政策由瑞萨电子公司或其关联公司(以下简称“瑞萨”)管理和维护。保护您的隐私对瑞萨是非常重要的。通过确保您知道和理解本隐私政策,我们可以为您提供更好的服务。 请阅读本隐私政策,了解我们如何处理您的个人身份信息。










我们也可能会收集您的浏览器、或者您与任何瑞萨网站进行互动提供的信息。 这可能包括您用来访问瑞萨网站的浏览器上的信息、在访问瑞萨网站前访问的统一资源定位符("URL") 、您访问了瑞萨网站的哪些网页、在瑞萨网站上的各活动、输入的搜索词、您下一个访问的URL以及您的互联网协议 ("IP") 地址。有关详细信息,请参阅本政策下文标题为 "跟踪技术" 的部分。




我们可能会为您提供参与瑞萨网站调查或民意测验的机会。 如果您参加,我们将要求您提供某些个人信息。 参加这些调查或比赛是完全自愿的,因此您可以选择是否提供个人信息。 所要求的个人信息一般包括联系信息(例如姓名和地址)以及人口统计信息(如邮政编码)。


个人信息可能会在您参加比赛或其他促销活动时收集和使用。 在这种情况下,我们可能会要求您提供个人信息,例如姓名、地址和电子邮箱,以管理该项目或活动、向您发送宣传电子邮件(相关法律要求获得同意才能发送电子邮件的,应事前获得同意。)、通知获奖者及公布获奖者名单。


作为我们的客户服务,我们可能使用在线收集的个人信息,通过电子邮件向您发送简讯、促销信息和其他信息。 如果您同意收到这些电子邮件,我们才会发送给您。 您可以选择停止接收我们的简讯或营销电子邮件,请按照这些电子邮件中包含的取消订阅说明、访问您的帐户设置页面中的电子邮件偏好设置、或通过点击此处与我们联系


我们的一些网站提供可公开访问的博客或社区论坛。您应该知道您在这些板块提供的所有信息可能被其他访问者阅读、收集和使用。要从我们的博客或社区论坛中删除您的个人信息,请点击此处与我们联系。 在某些情况下,我们可能无法删除您的个人信息,在这种情况下,我们会通知您我们无法删除及其原因。




我们的一些网站包括社交媒体功能,例如Facebook Like按钮和Widgets,例如 "分享" 按钮,或在我们的各网站上运行的互动小程序。 这些功能可能会获取您的IP地址、您在我们的各网站上访问的页面,并可能会设置一个cookie,以使功能正常运行。 社交媒体功能和Widgets由第三方负责,或直接托管在我们的网站上。您与这些功能的互动适用提供该功能的公司的隐私政策。







When accessing your account on Renesas.com, you are explicitly consenting to receive functionally required, analytics, and advertising tracking cookies from Renesas and its affiliates. Renesas reserves the right to process this data in accordance with all relevant international privacy laws. Should you wish not to be tracked, you can reach Customer Support by clicking here and request that your consent be revoked, and your account will be temporarily suspended in accordance with all relevant international privacy law.


根据要求,我们将为您提供有关我们是否持有您的任何个人信息的咨询。 如果您的个人信息更改,您可以修改您的帐户配置文件页面、或点击此处发送电子邮件给我们的客户支持,或通过电话或邮政信函联系我们(联系信息如下文所述),更正、更新或修改您的信息。


此外,如果您希望删除/移走您的信息,从我们的网站上的公共论坛、名录或推荐内容中要求将其删除,或者关闭您的账户,您可以在您的帐户配置文件页面进行更改,或点击此处 发送电子邮件给我们的客户支持,或通过电话或邮政信件联系我们(联系信息如下文所述)。 我们将在合理的时间内回复您的请求。


正如大多数网站一样,我们会自动收集某些信息。该信息可能包括IP地址、浏览器类型、互联网服务供应商 ("ISP") 、引用/退出页面、在我们网站上浏览的文件(如,HTML页面和图形等)、操作系统、日期/时间戳和/或点击流数据来分析汇总趋势并管理网站。

瑞萨、我们的关联公司以及我们的分析或服务提供商使用如cookie或类似技术,例如cookie、web beacons、标签和脚本等技术来分析趋势、管理网站、跟踪用户在网站周围的移动,并收集有关我们的整个用户群体的人口统计信息。我们可能会收到基于这些公司使用的这些技术的个别和汇总的报告。您可以在各个浏览器级别控制cookie的使用,但是,如果您选择禁用cookie,则可能会限制您在瑞萨网站上使用某些功能或操作。

"cookie" 是网站发送到您的浏览器的一个小数据文件,然后会保存在您的系统上。当您返回我们的网站时,我们会使用cookie来更好地为您服务。当您访问我们的各网站、进行购买、回应在线调查或促销活动、参加比赛或请求信息时,我们的某些网页可能会发送cookie。接受我们网站上使用的cookie可以让我们的网络服务器通过阅读您系统上存储的cookie来识别您的系统。在访问我们的各网站时放置的cookie不能用于在另一个站点获取您的个人信息。cookie还可让您注册并登录到需要用户名和密码的各瑞萨网站的不同部分。

为方便起见,瑞萨的全球网站利用 "单点登录" 功能,这意味着如果您登录到我们的其中一个网站,您将自动登录到瑞萨的其他网站。






我们不会故意收集、使用或披露16周岁以下的儿童的个人信息。如果我们得知以一种不符合 "儿童在线隐私保护法案" ("COPPA") 或"欧盟通用数据保护条例" ("GDPR") 的方式收集到了16周岁以下儿童的个人信息,我们将尽快删除该个人信息。


虽然瑞萨不能保证未经授权的访问永远不会发生,但瑞萨确实在保护个人信息的安全并防止其在传输过程中以及接收后受到未经授权的访问。 如果对您的个人信息安全有任何疑问,请点击此处与我们联系。


我们的网站由瑞萨电子公司或其关联公司全球运营和管理。 这意味着您的个人信息可能会由欧盟 ("EU") 或欧洲经济区 ("EEA")之外的瑞萨实体或 ("代表他们的") 第三方服务提供商收集和处理。 收集或处理您的个人信息的相关国家的数据保护法规可能会与欧盟/欧洲经济区立法规定的保护水平不同。 但是,瑞萨将根据适用的法律和本文规定的原则确保对您的个人信息的充分保护。 通过使用我们的网站,您同意如本文所述的EU / EEA之外收集和传送您的个人信息。


只要您的帐户有效或需要为您提供服务,我们将保留您的个人信息。 我们将在必要时保留并使用您的个人信息,以遵守我们的法律义务,解决争议,履行我们的协议。



瑞萨保留随时以任何理由更改本隐私政策的权利,任何此类更改将在本隐私政策中公布。如果我们进行任何重要的变更,将在变更生效之前通过电子邮件通知您(发送到您帐户中指定的电子邮件地址)或通过本网站发布的通知。 我们建议您定期查看此页面,了解有关我们的隐私政策实施的最新信息。





Renesas Electronics Corporation
Toyosu Foresia, 2-24, Toyosu 3-chome
Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0061

Renesas Electronics America Inc.
1001 Murphy Ranch Road
Milpitas, CA 95035
United States of America

Renesas Electronics Europe GmbH
Arcadiastrasse 10
40472 Dusseldorf

中国上海市普陀区岚皋路555号品尊国际中心A 座301室


如果您还有我们未能令您满意对应解决的隐私或数据使用问题,请通过https://feedback-form.truste.com/watchdog/request 与我们位于美国的第三方争议解决服务提供商联系(免费)。


Additional Information for EU Users

The following sets out additional information for users whose data are subject to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


The data controller for personal data collected through the EU version of the Renesas website (https://www.renesas.com/en-eu/) is Renesas Electronics Europe GmbH, Arcadiastrasse 10, 40472 Dusseldorf, Germany, Managing Director: Carsten Jauch. For more information regarding Renesas Electronics Europe GmbH please see Legal.

Collection and processing of personal data

In principle you can visit and use our EU websites without telling us who you are. We do not require any registration. Without further information from you we only collect and process certain technical information, including the name of your Internet Service Provider, the webpage from which you came to us and the pages that you visit on our website. This information is used for purposes of provision of our website. This data may also be analyzed for statistical purposes, in which case you remain anonymous as an individual user.

We process your personal data based on your consent, for the performance of a contract or as necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests, including for responding to your enquiries and to customize and improve our web offerings, products and services in accordance with your preferences (Art. 6 (1) (a), (b) and (f) GDPR).

Personal data is only collected if you provide us with this information, e.g. in order to register for personalized services, and only processed and used for the provision of these personalized services, or in order to process your enquiries.

Furthermore, in connection with the personalized services we may process and use your data for advertising and market research purposes or for personalized provision of services if you have given your consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future.

If you use personalized services we will use your personal data required for the provision the services for the duration of your registration and thereafter for as long as required or permitted under applicable laws. We share your data with affiliated companies or branches of Renesas Electronics Europe GmbH if this is necessary to respond to your enquiries or if necessary for the provision of the services. We may also forward enquiries regarding our products and services to a distributor that is responsible for the relevant product or service category and region.

Additional information regarding newsletters, promotional e-mails, telephone calls

In accordance with applicable EU legislation and/or the applicable laws of the Member States, we may contact you for marketing and promotional purposes by e-mail for our products and services if we have obtained your e-mail address in the context of the sale of similar products or services, if we have given you the opportunity to object to the use of your electronic contact details when they were collected and if you have not initially objected to such use. You may at any time choose to stop receiving any such communication by following the unsubscribe instructions included in these emails, accessing the email preferences in your account settings page, or contacting us by clicking here.

In accordance with applicable EU legislation and/or the applicable laws of the Member States, we may also contact you as a business user for marketing and promotional purposes by phone if we may reasonably conclude from your use of our websites, newsletters, information offerings, products or services that you are specifically interested in our products or services. You may at any time choose to object being contacted by phone, in particular by accessing the contact preferences in your account settings page, or contacting us (for contact details please see below).

Registration for Renesas Synergy

Our Renesas Synergy platform is addressed to interested professionals that are specifically interested in receiving information on Renesas products and services and that may be interested in establishing a business contact with Renesas. When you register for a user account at our Renesas Synergy platform we usually collect your name, language, company name, department and job title as well as your business related contact information.

We may use your personal data to maintain your user account, to verify that you are a business user, to provide you with the requested information on Renesas products and services, including any newsletters you may subscribe to, to respond to support and other enquiries you might have. In connection with your user account, we may analyse your use of our website and our newsletter to better understand your preferences and to improve our web services. For this purpose, newsletter e-mails may contain web beacons, tracking pixels or links that allow us to analyse your use of the newsletter, including information on whether you received and opened our newsletter. We store such information in connection with your user account. If you have given your marketing consent, we might also contact you under your business contact details for marketing purposes in relation to our products and services that may be of interest for you.

If you have created a user account, we store your data for as long as you maintain your user account. You may have your user account deleted at any time; please send us a message to using the contact details provided below. In the event of deletion of your user account, we store the relevant data only to the extent permitted or required by law.

Through your user account, you can administer and update your contact data and your preferences. Please treat your access data as confidential and do not share your password with any third parties. We are not liable for any abuse of your password, unless caused by us. As long as you do not sign out you will stay logged in on our website. This allows you to use our website and the various functions without having to log in again. If you wish to change your personal information, you will be asked to enter your password again. Please close your browser at the end of the session, especially if a third party may have access to your computer. If you become aware of, or if you suspect that a third party has obtained unauthorized access to your access data or uses your account, please change your password without undue delay and inform us by e-mail.

Other personalized services

Renesas Electronics Europe GmbH has implemented a number of specific personized services that are addressed to business customers or companies interested in our products or services. Generally, we collect and use any personal data in the relevant context to respond to your enquiries, to establish and manage our business relationship with you and to provide you with requested information. More specifically we collect and use information in connection with the following services and other offers:

General Contact Form

Information requests regarding European Sales Offices.

University Programm Application Form

Requests for free supply of Synergy course materials, books and development boards for use by partner universities.

TES Guiliani - Prepaid by Renesas

Requests for TES Guiliani software prepaid by Renesas


Requests under the EU directive regarding Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

Tool Repair Request

Tool repair requests of customers

Hardware Upgrade Request

Hardware upgrade requests of customers

Registration PC Locked License

Registration request for tool products

Registration Dongle License

Registration requests for licenses (no personal data required)

Registration Network License

Registration requests for licenses

M16C/6S PLC Serial API

Registration requests for licenses

CC Compiler Registration

Registration requests for licenses

Registration Extended Compiler Support License

Registration requests for licenses


Requests under EU regulation regarding Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)


Requests for product status and events

ADAS Whitepaper

Requests for ADAS Whitepaper

We store the contact information in connection with the relevant requests for as long as necessary to respond to the relevant requests and as reasonably necessary to maintain the relevant business contact. In cases of licenses, we store all information for the duration of the license granted by Renesas. Regulatory information is stored for as long as necessary to demonstrate our regulatory compliance.

We may transfer contact requests for distributors to the relevant distributors in our network. Support, update and license requests may be transferred to affiliated companies of Renesas Electronics Europe GmbH, including its ultimate parent company Renesas Electronics Corporation in Japan. Requests regarding regulatory requirements, including in particular requests related to WEEE and REACH may be shared with the competent authorities within the EU to the extent required by law.

Use of services, webtools and social media plug-ins using cookies

We have integrated certain services and webtools for analysis purposes and social media services into our website that use “cookies”. You can deactivate the use of cookies via your browser settings at any time. Please note, however, if you do not accept cookies, you may not be able to use certain or all features of our website.

On our website, plug-ins for the following services and/or social networks have been or are integrated (hereinafter collectively referred to as “networks” or “network”):

  • Brightcove Video Services, operated by Brightcove Inc., 290 Congress Street, Boston, MA 02210, Phone: +1 617 500 4947
  • facebook.com, operated by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (“Facebook”). The plug-ins are indicated with a Facebook logo (white “f” on a blue tile background a “Like” (thumbs up) symbol) or are identified with the addendum “Facebook social plug-in”. The list of Facebook social plug-ins and their appearance can be viewed at www.facebook.com/policy.php.
  • LinkedIn - LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA
  • Twitter, operated by Twitter, Inc., 795 Folsom St., Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA (hereinafter referred to as “Twitter”). The plug-ins can be identified by the Twitter logo (bird outline/relief in various colours against various backgrounds). The various Twitter logos which are used to indicate the plug-in can be viewed on the Twitter website under about.twitter.com/en_us/company/brand-resources.html.
  • Youtube - YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066 USA

All of these service or network plug-ins essentially work according to the following basic principles:

When you access our website, the network plug-ins can potentially create a direct connection between the user’s browser and the server of the respective network. The content of the relevant plug-in will be directly transmitted from the network to your browser, which will integrate it into the website. We have no influence regarding the scope of the data which is collected with the aid of the plug-in. Therefore, we can only inform you about the information which is publicly accessible according to the above-mentioned privacy policies of the relevant providers. The integrated plug-in informs the network that the user has accessed our website and informs the network of the user’s IP address. If the user is logged in to the network of this plug-in at that point in time, the network will be able to link the visit with the user’s account.

If the user interacts with these plug-ins, the corresponding information will be transmitted directly from the user’s browser to the network where it will then be stored. Furthermore, additional personal data can also be transmitted and stored there, for example the user’s IP address, personal browser settings and other parameters.

If you are a member of the respective network and do not want it to collect information about you via our website and to link this information with the data that the network has already stored about you, then please close this website, log out from your user account for the respective network and afterwards visit our website once again.

If you are not a member of the network or you have logged off from the network before visiting our website, the possibility still exists that the network will ascertain (at least) your IP address and store it. Please note that this information is already exchanged when you visit our website, whether you interact with the plug-ins or not.

Web statistics tools, targeting

Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ("Google"). Google Analytics uses so-called cookies, i.e. text files that are stored on your computer and that allow an analysis of the way you use our website. The information generated by the cookie is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Google complies with the EU-US Privacy Shield Agreement and is registered with the US Department of Commerce's ES-US Privacy Shield Program (for details and individual registrations go to www.privacyshield.gov). However, if IP anonymisation is activated on this website, your IP address will be truncated by Google beforehand within member states of the European Union or other parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be sent to a Google server in the US and shortened there. Google uses this information on our behalf to evaluate the use of our website by you, to compile reports on the website activities and to provide other services related to the website and internet usage to us.

Please note that we use the code "ga('set', 'anonymizeIp', true);” to ensure the anonymous collection of IP addresses (so-called IP masking). As a result, IP addresses are processed in shortened form, which means that direct personal reference can be excluded.

You can deactivate the use of cookies via your browser settings at any time. Please note, however, if you do not accept cookies, you may not be able to use certain or all features of our website. Furthermore, you can prevent the collection by Google of the data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website (including your IP address) as well as the processing of such data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

For more information about privacy in connection with Google Analytics, please visit: http://www.google.com/intl/en/analytics/privacyoverview.html.


We use Eloqua, a technology provided Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 (“Eloqua” or “Oracle”) to personalise our communication with you on our websites and when you register for our e-mail services. Eloqua uses cookies and JavaScript code for measuring usage of our websites. We may use Eloqua cookies and information from the JavaScript code to allow us to analyse your use of our website and our communications, so we can understand your interests and determine how to improve the communications we send to you.

You can deactivate the use of cookies via your browser settings at any time. Please note, however, if you do not accept cookies, you may not be able to use certain or all features of our website. If you want to prevent the use of Eloqua cookies on your device in the future, you can do so via https://datacloudoptout.oracle.com/#optout.

For more information about privacy in connection with Eloqua and Oracle, please visit https://www.oracle.com/legal/privacy/privacy-choices.html.

Your Rights under the GDPR

You can contact our data protection officer using the following contact information: Renesas Electronics Europe GmbH, Attn: Data Protection Officer, Arcadiastrasse 10, 40472 Duesseldorf, Germany or datenschutz-eu(at)lm.renesas(dot)com.

You have the right to request from us access to and rectification or erasure of personal data, to restrict processing of your personal data, to object to such processing and to exercise your right to data portability, in each case in accordance with the GDPR and applicable laws. Please contact the address given above by email or by mail.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority in accordance with the GDPR and applicable laws if you consider that the processing of personal data relating to you infringes the GDPR. For this purpose, you can contact in particular the supervisory authority in the EU Member State of your habitual residence or the place of the alleged infringement. The competent authority for Renesas Electronics Europe GmbH in Germany is the North Rhine-Westphalia Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (LDI NRW), whose current contact details are available under www.ldi.nrw.de.