

RL78/G1D 蓝牙 LE 无线解决方案

低功耗蓝牙™是一种低能耗模式的蓝牙无线技术。低功耗 (LE) 蓝牙对电力消耗有所影响,特别是利用电池运行的应用场合。 低功耗蓝最具吸引力的一点,就是它可以在运行的同时与智能手机和平板电脑中的应用程序相连接。 适用于医疗保健及健身设备、家用电器以及RFID 电子标签的 RL78/G1D 蓝牙 LE 解决方案不断增多。这类设备可以利用信标(Beacon)在不使用电线的情况下通过低能耗的信号即可连接至智能手机。

RL78/G1D Bluetooth LE Wireless Solution


RL78 16 位蓝牙 LE MCU: R5F11Axxxxx



RL78/G1D Module: RY7011A0000DZ00

尺寸:8.95x13.35 x 1.7mm 该模块集成了天线和 RF 电路。RL78/G1D 丰富的功能引脚无需更改即可使用。该模块在尺寸和功能引脚之间取得了良好的平衡,是目前最好的低功耗蓝牙模块。

RL78/G1D,RL78/G1D 模块产品页面

RL78/G1D Module


H/W & Kits

RL78/G1D 评估板: RTK0EN0001D01001BZ

RL78/G1D 评估板可针对瑞萨提供的 RL78/G1D 低功耗蓝牙解决方案进行评估并开发应用程序。购买评估板后,您可以直接使用从网站上下载的软件进行评估。


  • 对瑞萨的设备(RL78/G1D)进行评估
  • 对低功耗蓝牙运行进行评估
  • 用于客户的理论原型机

瑞萨电子的 RY7011 模块可以通过以下配置进行评估。

RL78/G1D Module Evaluation Board

RL78/G1D 评估板产品页面


RL78/G1D BLE 模块扩展板: RTKYRLG1D0B00000BJ

The RL78/G1D BLE Module Expansion Board (RTKYRLG1D0B00000BJ) is an evaluation board with a Pmod™ interface that incorporates the RL78/G1D module (RY7011A0000DZ00).

Build IoT Devices Such as Sensors with the RL78/G1D Module and a Host MCU

RL78/G14 Fast Prototyping Board

It can connect to the RL78/G14 Fast Prototyping Board (RTK5RLG140C00000BJ) and can be used to evaluate BLE functions. Additionally, customers can use the RL78/G1D evaluation board to develop new BLE applications with a BLE system employing the RL78/G1D 16-bit microcontroller (MCU). Use the expansion board together with sensor devices to easily evaluate and develop IoT applications.


RL78/G1D BLE 模块扩展板产品页面


S/W & Tools


低功耗蓝牙协议栈是运行 G1D 的必备软件。可以支持调制解调器配置和内嵌配置。当然,它也可以采用由客户创建的客户资料。

Renesas has prepared a dedicated "Beacon Stack" that reduces current consumption by 40% in beacon operation that constantly transmits radio waves. Renesas also provides sample programs as a reference for customers' program development.

Bluetooth Low Energy Protocol Stack Sample Program:

  • Virtual UART (custom Profile) spplication
    This is a sample program that realizes serial communication and wireless communication between embedded devices. It has a simple AT command execution function to control and set Bluetooth LE communication, thereby realizing virtual UART communication where characters are transmitted/received via Bluetooth LE communication. 

    Virtual UART Application
  • HOGP ASCII text keyboard sample program
  • Pulse oximeter profile sample program
  • Host sample for (RL78/G14, RX113) sample program
  • Sensor application

Beacon Stack Sample Program:

A transmitter that transmits a small amount of data once every few milliseconds to several seconds within a radius of several tens of meters is called a beacon. This signal is used for watching terminals, indoor navigation, position detection, movement management of moving objects, coupon issuance, etc. Most beacon transmitters run on coin-type or small batteries. Since radio waves are always transmitted at regular intervals, it is required to consume as little power as possible.

The Bluetooth LE MCU RL78/G1D realizes low power consumption operation that is optimal for beacon terminals.

  • Basic operation sample program
  • Connecting and updating beacon data sample program


多跳使用了信标栈,进行广告宣传和扫描。中继设备会执行这两种传输,并利用泛洪法接收多跳帧的中继信号。它可以通过多个应用进行数据通信。您可以执行广播一个指令(例如 灯光控制)并利用多跳收集到数据(例如 传感器数据)。而且,您还可以进行安全选择,否则将无法防止窃听和伪造。

Multi-Hop Operation

我们提供了适应各种应用开发需求的蓝牙 LE 软件解决方案。有关更多信息,请参阅协议栈产品页面。




GUI 工具 - Windows 应用程序

即使不熟悉低功耗蓝牙,您也可以利用 GUI 工具便捷地进行低功耗蓝牙通信而无需编写程序。您可以在实际的通信活动时确认 API 执行流程,并为变量设置参数。此外,您还可以参考运行检查结果(日志)轻松地开发程序。

GUI 工具下载:Bluetooth® Low Energy Protocol Stack GUI Tool Rev.1.13 - Sample Code (ZIP | English, 日本語) (PDF + Windows application)



GATTBrowser - iOS/Android 应用程序

可从 App Store/Google Play 下载智能手机应用程序 "GATTBrowser"。

GATTBrowser 是一款检查低功耗蓝牙性能的应用。它可以扫描正在附近发送广告的低功耗蓝牙设备,并利用互连的低功耗蓝牙设备进行基于 GATT 的通信。通过它,您可以轻松查看示例应用程序的性能,并协助您拓展 RL78/G1D 设备。

GATTBrowser 下载:



Windows 10 Bluetooth LE 应用程序 - Windows 应用

The Windows 10 Bluetooth LE application can communicate with "Virtual UART application" running on the RL78/G1D evaluation board. This is an application example for Windows 10 that sends and receives character data to and from the terminal software on a PC connected to the evaluation board via USB.

In addition, a set of projects that can be launched and used in Visual Studio 2017 are provided, so you can use this application example as a base for developing Bluetooth LE communication apps that run on Windows in a Proof of Concept (PoC) phase.

Windows 10 Bluetooth LE 应用程序下载:Bluetooth LE microcomputer / module Windows 10 Bluetooth LE Application Rev.1.00 - Sample Code (ZIP) (PDF文档+Visual Studio 2017项目集)



QE for BLE - 开发辅助工具

QE for BLE 是一款专用工具,用于在支持低功耗蓝牙协议栈的系统中开发嵌入式软件。 此解决方案工具包在集成了e² studio 的开发环境中运行。e² studio 与 QE for BLE 相结合,可轻松测试瑞萨 RL78/G1D 蓝牙 LE MCU 的通信功能,从而缩短产品上市时间。 此外还可以设计并生成自定义配置文件。

有关更多信息,请参阅 QE for BLE: 低功耗蓝牙开发辅助工具页面。

QE for BLE: 低功耗蓝牙开发辅助工具



Applied Solutions

RL78 快速解决方案

RL78 快速解决方案融合了 RL78 低功耗 MCU 与瑞萨的模拟和电源产品,展示如何为各种应用构建高效的解决方案。针对工业物联网、基础设施、保健以及家庭与办公室的快速解决方案都是经过充分开发的参考设计,其中包含用户手册、详细应用信息、原理图、物料清单 (BOM) 和源代码/项目文件,帮助您快速开发这类产品。

智能蓝牙药盒凭借采用 RL78/G13 和 RL78/G1D 微控制器的低功耗智能蓝牙药盒参考设计,构建个人用药管理的解决方案。
智能血压监测器凭借采用 RL78/L1A 和 RL78/G1D MCU 的智能血压监测器参考设计,构建跟踪血压和其他重要指标的解决方案。
智能体脂秤凭借采用 RL78/L1A 和 RL78/G1D MCU 的智能体脂秤参考设计,构建身体成分管理解决方案。
智能湿度传感器凭借采用 RL78/G11 和 RL78/G1D MCU 的智能温度传感器参考设计,构建土壤湿度监测解决方案。
幻灯片演示器凭借采用 RL78/G1D MCU 的幻灯片演示器参考设计,构建幻灯片演示控制解决方案。
智能 LED凭借采用 RL78/G1D MCU 的智能 LED 参考设计,构建 LED 照明控制解决方案。
智能锁凭借采用 RL78/G1D MCU 的智能锁参考设计,构建家庭安全解决方案。


Renesas proposes the utilization of Bluetooth LE wireless communication in various scenes.


Please refer to the Knowledge Base for FAQs on Bluetooth specifications, MCUs, modules, protocol stacks, development environments, qualification, and more.

知识库 > 低功耗蓝⽛页面





Software title
Software type
Bluetooth® Low Energy Protocol Stack for RL78 Family
Bluetooth v4.2 certified protocol stack (Target device: RL78/G1D)
Protocol Stack 瑞萨电子
QE for BLE: Development Assistance Tool for Bluetooth® Low Energy
Debugging support tool that specializes in Bluetooth® Low Energy system development [Plugin for Renesas IDE "e² studio"] [Support MCU/MPU: RA, RX, RL78]
Solution Toolkit 瑞萨电子
e² studio
基于 Eclipse 的瑞萨集成开发环境 (IDE)。 [支持MCU/MPU:RA、RE、RX、RL78、RH850、Renesas Synergy、RZ]
IDE and Coding Tool 瑞萨电子
Renesas Flash Programmer (Programming GUI)
闪存编程软件 [支持 MCU/MPU 和器件:RA、RE、RX、RL78、RH850、RISC-V MCU Renesas Synergy、DA1453x、DA1459x、DA1469x、DA1470x、电源管理、Renesas USB Power Delivery Family、电机驱动器/执行器驱动器 IC、V850、78K0R、78K0]
Programmer (Unit/SW) 瑞萨电子
4 items


RL78 Family RF Control IC for Bluetooth Low Energy and Sub-GHz

Wireless communication IC for Bluetooth Low energy and Sub-GHz by using RL78 and pre-amplifier