

Renesas 的时钟分频器(时钟频率分频器)提供的输出时钟信号是输入频率的分频。该时钟分频器也可用作时钟缓冲器,提供多个输出频率副本。时钟分频器用于 divide-by-1 模式时也能作为扇出缓冲器。

Renesas 的 8 系列扇出缓冲和时钟分频器采用全差分内部架构,即便单端I/O 器件也如此,这不仅能减少因内在共模噪声抑制造成的抖动,还能降低输出偏移。差分电路电流恒定,因此相对于单端解决方案而言注入系统的电源噪声更低,从而减小了 EMI 合规性方面的问题。

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Single-Ended Fanout Buffers and Dividers by IDT


Overview of IDT's single-ended fanout buffers and single-ended fanout dividers. Fanout buffers are a useful building block of many clock trees, providing signal buffering and multiple low-skew copies of the input signal. The clock fanout from a single input reduces loading on the preceding driver and provides an efficient clock distribution network. Presented by Vik Chaudhry, technical marketing manager at IDT. For more information about Renesas's rich portfolio of clock IC timing solutions, visit the Clock Buffers & Drivers page.



Thank you for joining us for an overview of IDTs Fanout Buffers. My name is Vik Chaudhry, I'm Marketing Manager for IDT's Timing Products.
Now, let's consider some single-ended Buffers. In this example we have a differential signal or a crystal input coming in that is fanned out to ten single-ended LVCMOS signals. Typically, the differential inputs can accept either LDVS, LVPECL, HCSL, or HSTL levels. 
This is an example of a very flexible device where one, we have a mux at the input stage, two, we have two sets of dividers that are independent of each other, and three, there are two sets of fanout buffers for each of the banks, with an able signal for each bank.
IDT has a very large portfolio of fanout and clock distribution devices. To make it easy to select these parts, we have developed the collateral that can be used. This collateral is located on the IDT website under our clock and timing products, and if you look under fanout buffers and dividers, you will see this collateral available.
We also have an excellent application support for all the clocks and clock distribution devices.  Most of our products include IBIS models, we also have application notes for various termination schemes, filter recommendations, and we also review schematics. If you have any questions, please feel free to either drop us an email at [email protected] or [email protected].
Thank you for choosing IDT timing products.
