Biodiversity Conservation Activities

Renesas' business sector, semiconductors, requires large amounts of water, resources, and energy for manufacturing, and relies heavily on various ecosystem services provided by biodiversity. However, in recent years, the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) has reported that the "index of the health of nature and biodiversity (the Living Planet Index)" has declined by 69% over the 48 years since 1970. The health of ecosystem services has deteriorated significantly.

Aware of this situation, Renesas is committed to the protecting biodiversity, based on the fundamental environmental philosophy to conduct corporate activities promote a balance between global environment preservation and the healthy lifestyle of people to realize a sustainable society. This is considered as one of the most important items in our Environmental Action Guidelines.

Renesas' policy is to actively promote business activities that contribute to biodiversity conservation, such as the efficient resources use at manufacturing and business sites and the provision of sustainable products and solutions. we would like to give the benefits from ecosystem services back to our local communities, while meeting our customers’ needs. Renesas is always aware that biodiversity is an important concept that supports a rich and healthy society and is actively engaged in activities that contribute to the conservation of biodiversity through our business activities.

*Living Planet Report 2022 - To Build a Nature-Positive Society - | WWF Japan

Renesas Biodiversity Conservation Initiatives

Launch of the Biodiversity Activity Task Force

Biodiversity Conservation Task Force

Renesas has so far implemented biodiversity activities at its manufacturing sites and business sites. In September 2022, we launched a task force centered on the core members of the head office and base activities, considering that it is necessary to evaluate activities and disseminate information throughout the group in order to actively promote further activities in the future. And repeated discussions on evaluation of biodiversity activities and dissemination of information.

All environment-related members at production sites in Japan agreed on the biodiversity activity plan that was examined and formulated by this task force. After that, after a review by the director in charge of the environment, Renesas has started biodiversity activities since December 2022.

Renesas Biodiversity Conservation Activities

The following two points summarized our achievements in 2022 and the activities planned for 2023 and onwards.

  1. To visualize biodiversity activities at manufacturing bases and business sites, set indicators for biodiversity activities (created with reference to the international goals of the United Nations Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD-COP), etc.), Created "Renesas In-house Scorebook". We have already started operation from November 2022 and evaluated the activities in 2022. Going forward, we will conduct annual evaluations and work to revitalize activities that lead to biodiversity conservation in order to raise our scores.
  2. As a group-wide dissemination of information on biodiversity activities, these efforts and the results of activities at sites are held on June 5 every year (environment month in June) as “The Day of Renesas Group to think about biodiversity and SDGs” (tentative), and to prepare to communicate it both inside and outside the company.

Renesas Biodiversity Activity Index and Scorebook

In order to evaluate the biodiversity activities of each manufacturing base and business site in Japan, Renesas has classified biodiversity conservation activities into four categories as next. A. Conservation of ocean and water quality, B. Conservation of soil and natural environment, C. Ecosystem protection by global warming control, D. Collaboration with local governments/activities in the main business/employee awareness raising.

Then, for each of the four categories, 13 items were set as biodiversity activity indicators to describe specific activities, and each activity indicator had four levels (evaluation from 0 to 3 points for each item, such as the presence or absence of activities and administrative standards) to create a scorebook that can be evaluated. Based on this scorebook, each manufacturing site and business site started self-evaluation of the activity of the site from 2022.

Activity classification (4 classifications) Biodiversity activity index (13 items)
A. Conservation of ocean and water quality Coastal, river, and water source cleanup activities
Cleaning around the site (prevention of contamination of water areas with plastics, etc.)
Drainage measures to public water areas
B. Conservation of soil and natural environment On-site green areas where birds, insects, and fish can live
Cultivation of trees off-site such as tree planting and thinning
Groundwater recharge, conservation of forests and soil
Protection and cultivation of endangered species
C. Ecosystem protection by curbing global warming Contribution to an energy-saving, decarbonized society
Holding discussions on energy conservation and decarbonization
D. Coordination with local governments, activities in the main business, employee awareness raising Coordinating biodiversity activities with local governments
Contribution in core business (procurement to disposal process)
Improving employee awareness of biodiversity
Improving the working environment with the intention of preserving biodiversity

Renesas biodiversity activity results

In fiscal 2022, Renesas implemented 56 biodiversity activities, mainly at manufacturing sites.

Unit: number of Activities

Renesas (Japan) A. Ocean and water quality conservation B. Conservation of soil and natural environment C. Ecosystem protection by curbing global warming D. Cooperation with local governments, activities in the main business, employee awareness raising Total
Production sites 15 10 9 11 45
Offices 3 3 2 3 11
Total 18 13 11 14 56

Major activities in FY2022

工場長筆頭に全部門から清掃活動に参加 (川尻工場)
plant manager (Kawashiri Plant)

A. Conservation of ocean and water quality
Kumamoto City is a rare "groundwater city" in Japan, where 100% of its tap water is supplied by groundwater. At the Kawashiri Plant, located in Kumamoto City, we regularly carry out beautification activities and work to conserve clean and abundant water resources.

ノーマイカー通勤ウィークを実施 (川尻工場)
Car-free commuting week implemented (Kawajiri Plant)

C. Ecosystem protection by mitigating global warming
The Kawashiri Plant conducts a "No Car Commuting Week". We call on our employees to participate every month, tally the number of participants and the amount of CO2 reduction, and work to continuously reduce CO2 emissions.
In 2022, a total of 121 people participated, and the amount of reduction was 583 kg-CO2.

くまもと地下水財団から涵養米を購入 (川尻工場)
Purchased recharged rice from the Kumamoto Groundwater Foundation (Kawashiri Plant)

B. Conservation of soil and natural environment
D. Collaboration with local governments, activities in the main business, employee awareness improving

The Kawashiri Plant participates in the "Water Offset" project of the Kumamoto Groundwater Foundation. The water offset business protects Kumamoto's abundant groundwater, while at the same time supporting agriculture, and is also an initiative of local production for local consumption that purchases and consumes local crops.
At the Kawajiri Plant, we are promoting activities to purchase recharged rice for employees and provide a portion of the rice in the employee cafeteria as recharged rice with the cooperation of the cafeteria management company.

絶滅危惧Ⅱ類のツクシイバラの保全 (錦工場)
Conservation of endangered tsukushiibara (Nishiki Factory)

B. Conservation of soil and natural environment
D. Collaboration with local governments, activities in the main business, employee awareness improving

Tsukushiibara (Tsukushi rose) is a type of rose that is unique to southern Kyushu, and is the town flower of Nishiki-cho, where the Nishiki factory is located. Originally, it grows in colonies in riverbeds, etc., but due to the effects of environmental changes, its numbers have decreased, and in 2004 it was registered as an endangered species.
At the Nishiki Plant, we grow horsetail thorns on the plant premises as a biodiversity conservation activity. Beautiful flowers bloom from May to June every year, and are appreciated by everyone in the area.

ゴーヤのグリーンカーテン (錦工場)
Goya Green Curtain (Nishiki Factory)

C. Ecosystem protection by mitigating global warming
The Nishiki Factory installs green curtains every year. We are promoting energy-saving activities by blocking heat energy from solar radiation and suppressing rises in indoor temperatures.

コロナ禍で中断していた清掃活動を再開 (大分工場)
Resumed cleanup activities that had been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic (Oita Plant)

A. Conservation of ocean and water quality
The Nakatsu Tidal Flat, the largest tidal flat in the Seto Inland Sea, is located near the Oita Plant. The Nakatsu tidal flat boasts the greatest biodiversity in Japan, and is also home to many rare species such as horseshoe crabs and green whiting.
For many years, the Oita Plant has participated in beach cleanups sponsored by the NPO Mizube ni Asobikai, striving to conserve biodiversity.

毎月の清掃活動 (那珂工場)
Monthly cleaning activities (Naka Factory)

A. Conservation of ocean and water quality
The Naka Factory is located near the Naka River, one of the clearest streams in the northern Kanto region. The Naka River is a river rich in diversity, with a variety of fish species inhabiting in the middle reaches and a popular fishing spot near the mouth of the river where seawater mixes.
Every month, the Naka Factory conducts cleaning activities around the factory. In 2022, we temporarily refrained from doing so due to the effects of COVID-19, but a total of just under 300 employees participated in the effort to protect the local environment.

西条市クリーンウォーク (西条工場)
Saijo City Clean Walk (Saijo Plant)

A. Conservation of ocean and water quality
At the Saijo Factory, labor and management participate in the Saijo City Clean Walk held once a year in cooperation with the Ehime Toyo Association. In 2022, although the scale was reduced due to the influence of the new corona, 29 people participated and carried out cleaning activities.
While deepening exchanges with local residents, we are contributing to the creation of beautiful towns suitable for the pilgrimage.

半導体トレイ・マガジン・リールを回収 (本社地区) 
Collecting semiconductor trays, magazines and reels (headquarters area)

D. Collaboration with local governments, activities in the main business, employee awareness raising
In the head office area, we have started collecting semiconductor trays, magazines, and reels from our business sites, which had been disposed of until now. At the same time, we are working to reduce and reuse waste plastic by starting to collect the plastic that was used as cushioning material for packaging

定期的な意識啓発活動 (本社地区他)
Regular awareness-raising activities (headquarters area, etc.)

D. Collaboration with local governments, activities in the main business, employee awareness Improving.
At our head office and other bases, we regularly carry out activities to raise employee awareness through environmental education and in-house information dissemination.

Renesas Biodiversity Activity Evaluation for FY2022

2022 was the first year of the evaluation, and the average score of self-evaluation on biodiversity activities at each site was higher than that of "conservation of ocean and water quality" and "preservation of ecosystem.” We received lower scores for environmental preservation, cooperation with local governments, activities in our core business, and employee awareness-building.

In addition, when comparing sites, the Kawashiri Factory received the highest evaluation for its "no car commuting week" and the provision of recharged rice in the employee cafeteria. In addition, the Nishiki Factory, which has been cultivating endangered flower, "Tsukushiibara" for more than 10 years, was also highly rated.

Going forward, Renesas will continue to promote visualization of biodiversity activities and information sharing on initiatives and activity know-how to contribute to biodiversity conservation as a whole.

Renesas Biodiversity Conservation Activities in 2022

Contributing to SDGs

Renesas’ efforts in Biodiversity Conservation Activities contributes to these Sustainable Development Goals targets:


11.6 By 2030, reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities, including by paying special attention to air quality and municipal and other waste management


12.4 By 2020, achieve the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle, in accordance with agreed international frameworks, and significantly reduce their release to air, water and soil in order to minimize their adverse impacts on human health and the environment.


12.5 By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.


13.3 Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning.


14.1 By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution.


15.3 By 2030, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by desertification, drought and floods, and strive to achieve a land degradation-neutral world.


15.4 By 2030, ensure the conservation of mountain ecosystems, including their biodiversity, in order to enhance their capacity to provide benefits that are essential for sustainable development.