Renesas Strategy for Automotive Software



Creating Reliable Crystal Oscillators Circuits in Your MCU Design

Creating Reliable Crystal Oscillators Circuits for Your MCU Design

This blog discusses some of the issues around oscillator choice and design.

RZV2L Easy to Use Demo

RZ/V2L "易于使用 "的演示示例代码,任何人都可以轻松尝试,不需要构建


The New Convergence: IoT, AI and 5G Bring Actionable Intelligence

The New Convergence: IoT, AI and 5G Bring Actionable Intelligence to the Factory Floor

Renesas sees an opportunity to accelerate adoption among our customers and ecosystem partners by enabling the convergence of three key technologies: IoT, 5G connectivity and artificial intelligence (AI).



RX Blog: RX Family Software - The Past and the Future - #6 - Modern Software Development 2

RX系列软件的历史和今后的展望 第六篇

本系列将分期介绍瑞萨开发出品的32位MCU RX软件组的历史和前景,这一软件组旨在实现低代码和无代码开发应用程序。

The Art of Networking - Power over Data Line is Ready to Use

The Art of Networking (Series 10): Power over Data Line is Ready to Use

In today's vehicles, the power network is just as important as the communication network. Therefore, new innovations such as Power over Data Line need to be introduced into the vehicle.

xEV trends and Renesas’ solutions blog main image



Low Pin Count MCU Optimized for the 8-bit MCU Market


Yukiko Date介绍RL78/G15 MCU如何通过低引脚数小型封装提供广泛的外设功能,从而解决现有8位MCU功能和性能不足引起的问题。阅读本博客,了解一款简单易用的评估板,立即轻松评估RL78/G15!