Learn AWS/Azure Cloud Connectivity through Videos. Let’s Start IoT Development using the RX Family!



Renesas Strategy for Autonomous Driving and ADAS



What Is Matter 1.0? How Will It Disrupt Smart Home?

什么是Matter 1.0?它将如何颠覆智能家居?

自 2019 年底以来,智能家居行业的技术专家共同努力定义一个旨在解决智能家居碎片化问题的统一框架。

The Event Link Controller – Automatically Manage Low Level System Tasks on RA Blog

The Event Link Controller – Automatically Manage Low Level System Tasks on RA MCUs

This blog introduces the Event Link Controller, a peripheral that allows different peripherals to be directly coupled together in hardware, decreasing the need for the CPU to manage interrupts.

Software-Defined Networking (SDN), the Next Hype After Automotive Ethernet

The Art of Networking (Series 9): SDN, the Next Hype After Automotive Ethernet?

This blog explains how Software-Defined Networking (SDN) may change the way data communication is handled in future generations of vehicles.

RX Blog: RX72T Multiple motor control by one MCU



Released e-AI Translator V2.3.0 With Reduced Memory Usage When Using CMSIS

Released e-AI Translator V2.3.0 With Reduced Memory Usage When Using CMSIS

With the release of e-AI Translator V2.3.0, we have made it easier to implement quantized AI algorithms on MCUs by reducing memory size and supporting models with branching.

RX Blog: RX66T Digital Power Conversion



Introduction of R-Car DNN Simulator

R-Car DNN模拟器的介绍

在本博客中,我们将介绍瑞萨为R-Car V4H提供的三种类型的DNN开发模拟器,以及它们的使用情况和特点。

SIL Compliance for your Industry & Beyond


对于工业自动化的发展,IEC 61508 中定义的 SIL 是确保工厂安全和最佳性能的先决条件。 这个过程可能非常艰巨,但瑞萨电子通过为 MCU 提供经过认证的解决方案大大简化了这个过程。