Social Contribution Initiatives
At Renesas, we want to build a sustainable future where technology helps make our lives easier. Recognizing that the prosperity of our society and environment and diverse talent have a tremendous impact on our business growth, we have focused our efforts and investment on environmental initiatives, education of next-generation engineers, and supporting local communities we work and live in.
We have established a structure with various types of vacation days for employees in Japan including “volunteer vacation days” to increase the amount of vacation days taken by employees so they can give back to the community through volunteer work. In addition, we have introduced a 3- and 4-day working weeks to allow employees to easily attend activities held in the community on a regular basis.
In the United States, all regular full-time employees can take up to a maximum of 16 hours of normal paid work time in a calendar year to participate in an approved community service activity.
The Three Focus Social Contribution Initiative Areas
1. Environmental Initiatives
Mountain Clean-Up (China)

In May 2023, over 40 employees in Beijing, China volunteered for community service. Three groups climbed the Baiwang Mountain through different paths, picking up garbage and cleaning traffic signs and trashcans along the way. During the three-hour charity event, they embodied Renesas’ Purpose – To Make Our Lives Easier – by contributing to a clean environment for all and conservation.
Mangrove Forest Conservation (Malaysia)

In December 2023, Renesas joined forces with Penang Inshore Fisherman Welfare Association on a biodiversity project for the second year in a row. More than 20 employees volunteered to plant Mangroves trees, which provide shoreline protection, habitat for diverse marine life, and carbon sequestration. Together, we planted approximately 200 trees and took a significant step towards preserving and restoring our coastal ecosystems.
Expansion of Solar Panel Installation (China and Malaysia)

In November 2022, Renesas installed solar panels at our manufacturing site in Suzhou, China, to maintain a continuous energy supply and reduce energy usage and utility expenses. We also installed and started operating a solar power system at our manufacturing site in Malaysia for the first time. We plan to expand the solar panel installation from 2023 to 2024 with a goal to further contribute to global climate change efforts and Malaysia's renewable energy expansion policy. Based on Renesas' global environmental action guidelines, we will continue to promote activities that will allow our factories to be more sustainable and eco-friendly.
Tree Planting for River Restoration (U.S.)

In October 2022, Renesas partnered with Raritan Headwaters Association, a nonprofit conservation organization, to help plant 1,000 trees along the north branch of the Raritan River in New Jersey. This was a kick-off of a four-year restoration project to plant 10,000 trees along the Raritan River to help prevent future erosion and restore water resources. The Renesas team worked alongside the volunteers from Somerset County Parks Commission, Raritan Headwaters, AmeriCorps, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
2. Education of Next-Generation Engineers
Work Experience for Junior High Students (Japan)

In August 2023, our Naka Factory welcomed two second-year junior high school students from Hitachinaka City Minohama Gakuen, an integrated elementary and junior high school in the neighborhood, to experience what it is like to work at a Renesas fab. After a tour and a lecture on what a semiconductor, they had opportunities to gain hands-on work experience and learn about the fun and challenges of working in the real world.
Renesas Board Kits Donation (Vietnam)

We donated 100 CK-RA6M5 Cloud Kit + Sparkfun WIFI shield (Arduino) with DA16200 to Ho Chi Minh University of Technology and Da Nang University of Science and Technology in February 2023. Objectives were to enhance our ongoing relationships with those universities and increase awareness and interest in Renesas among engineering students.
Renesas Supports MCU Car Rally (Japan)

Renesas provided support for the Japan MCU Car Rally, in which a total of 1,404 cars from technical high schools in Japan participated. The MCU Car Rally is a competition where MCU-controlled cars drive autonomously by detecting white-lined lanes and compete for the best time. Renesas microcontrollers (MCUs) are used to control the MCU cars, and Renesas helped students and teachers enhance their technical knowledge by offering equipment and workshops. On January 11-12, 2025, a total of 181 cars competed in the final round and prizes were awarded to the winners. Renesas will continue to support students in their challenges in the future.
IT & Electronic Design Contests for University Students (China)

Renesas sponsored the National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest and the Advanced Information Technology Invitational Contest (AITIC) for university students in China. Despite the COVID-19 lockdowns, 261 students from 52 universities across the country submitted excellent designs for AITIC based on the Renesas RZ/G2L microprocessor. In addition, the 3rd “Renesas Cup” (Information Technology Frontier Invitational Competition) was held from April to August 2022, co-sponsored by Renesas and the Chinese Education Bureau. Approximately 100 teams of students from major universities studying information technology and electronics were invited to tackle an innovative and functional application system using cutting-edge technology. Renesas provided a microprocessor-based development platform that incorporates advanced DRP technology, as well as technical support such as online training.
Scholarships for Female Students in STEM (Vietnam)

In November 2022, Renesas awarded 40 scholarships to female students from top 9 technical universities in southern and central Vietnam. This program is organized as part of our global effort to invest in the next generation of female engineers and technology professionals in the semiconductor industry. Renesas actively offers various learning opportunities as well as financial support locally.
3. Local Community Support
Bionic Arm for a Soldier (Ukraine)

In July 2023, Renesas’ Lviv office donated 300,000 UAH (approx. 7,500 Euros) to Unbroken, a charity providing physical, psychological, and psychosocial rehabilitation to people injured in the war. Our contribution helped gift a bionic arm to a young soldier who lost his right arm after his tank was hit by an enemy mine. The local team had an opportunity to meet him at the Unbroken office.
Charity Race for Cancer Research (UK)

The effort to find the cure for cancer continues, rain or shine – and even through the mud. In May 2023, our Swindon, UK team joined hundreds of runners and went through challenging obstacle courses in the muddy fields to raise money for cancer research. They raised over £2,000.
Fundraising and Food Boxes to End Hunger (United States)

In October 2023, Renesas U.S. team participated in Second Harvest of Silicon Valley’s Virtual Race to End Hunger. We contributed over $20,000, which provided 100,000 meals to people in need in our local community. In November, we partnered with Second Harvest once again to sort and package 24,000 lbs. of food during the three-hour period.
Running for a Good Cause (Germany)

In July 2022, approximately 30 Renesas employees participated in the charity event, "AKB run," in Nabern, Germany. A regional non-profit, Aktionskreis für Menschen mit und ohne Behinderung e.V. (AKB), holds events for non-disabled people to spend time with people with disabilities and learn from them. Our involvement began with Dialog employees who are now part of Renesas. The local team also donated $500.
Actual Figures from Social Contribution Initiatives Spending in 2023 (Million in JPY)
Donations | 38.14 |
Financial Contributions | 3.71 |
Donation of Goods | 0.53 |
Employee Volunteering Participation (hours converted to monetary value) | 3.09 |
Contributing to SDGs
Renesas’ efforts in Social Contribution Initiatives contributes to these Sustainable Development Goals targets:

4.3 By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university

4.4 By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship

5.b Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women

6.6 By 2020, protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes