RA8D1 MCU 群组评估套件
EK-RA8D1 评估套件可通过瑞萨电子的灵活软件包 (FSP) 和 e2 studio IDE,帮助用户轻松评估 RA8D1 MCU 产品组的特性,并开发嵌入式系统应用程序。 用户可利用丰富的板载功能以及自选的热门生态系统插件来将丰富创意变为现实。
EK-RA8D1 套件由三块板组成:EK-RA8D1 板采用 RA8D1 MCU...
This PerCV.ai application software solution provides real-time QR code scanning functionality using an image sensor to detect QR codes within the coverage area. The non-disruptive, vision-only technology has tolerance to 3-axis rotations. Acquired information can display product data for optimal and automatic setting adjustments. The solution runs on the Renesas RA8D1 MCU, one of the first Cortex-M85 MCUs in the market with Arm HeliumTM technology.