Results: 164 webinars
Automotive Products
Automotive, Electric & Hybrid Vehicles (EV)
Renesas is designing and manufacturing Microcontrollers, Analog, Power and Sensor devices for Automotive applications. To bring out the full capabilities of our devices and make the designers’ life easy, we build solutions using our winning combinations of our products/ICs. For the demanding applications in Electric Vehicles, we have built solutions for Inverters using Inductive Position Sensor (IPS). In today’s fast paced & short design cycles, building everything from scratch in conventional method is time consuming. Hence, we, at Renesas have built Models and software to support design engineers to bring out solutions quicker to market. Renesas has made complete hardware solution of these important blocks in EV for Two-wheeler as well as for Four-wheeler.
Our xEV inverter application model & software solution reduces research and development effort. With the use of inductive position sensor we saves the cost and enhances the performance of the solution.
Our xEV inverter application model & software solution reduces research and development effort. With the use of inductive position sensor we saves the cost and enhances the performance of the solution.
本演讲在介绍 FSP 的基础上,着重介绍 FSP 最新版本4.0.0的一些新特性。希望通过此次演讲,让各位工程师了解并熟悉瑞萨 RA 系列产品开发工具。FSP,即瑞萨电子灵活配置软件包,是一款增强型软件包,旨在为使用瑞萨电子 RA 系列 ARM 微控制器的嵌入式系统设计提供简单易用且可扩展的高质量软件。
目前整车电气架构正在逐步从400V系统向800V系统过渡,这对EV的动力系统包括BMS(Battery Management System)以及Inverter也提出了严峻的挑战,
瑞萨下一代锂电池模拟前端采集器支持16-CELL电芯同步零延时采集,ASIL-D功能安全等级, 双向冗余菊花链通信。针对新电气架构下的Inverter的需求,
瑞萨下一代锂电池模拟前端采集器支持16-CELL电芯同步零延时采集,ASIL-D功能安全等级, 双向冗余菊花链通信。针对新电气架构下的Inverter的需求,
In this session, we will provide instruction for you to create a project that will sample ADC values periodically using a timer. Learn about adding a timer driver and configuring it, adding an ADC driver, and reading the ADC value in call back, adding ELC and transfer drivers and configuring it. In addition, we will go through the FSP configurator, generated code, POR‑to‑main‑code flow, using developer assistance and the smart manual.
随着高能效电机在汽车电子、电动工具、智能家电、智能农业等领域的广泛应用,全球的电机市场得到了大幅度增长的机遇。据数据预估,未来电机市场仍然以每年4.5%的年复合率持续增长。另外,工业机械自动化的发展使得电机更加高效化、小型化、集成化、驱动一体化。 驱动与控制是电机系统发展永恒不变的两点,未来只有利用最前沿技术,打造成熟产品经验和良好成本控制的电机企业才能成为改变改变时代的革命者。本次活动将主要针对驱动与控制技术进行深入探讨,将前沿的产品与创新应用全面分享,是一次不可多得的行业交流机会。
-将Renesas的Linux PTP时钟管理器软件(PCM4L)与同步器的ClockMatrix系列一起使用以确保符合IEEE 1588的好处
-将Renesas的Linux PTP时钟管理器软件(PCM4L)与同步器的ClockMatrix系列一起使用以确保符合IEEE 1588的好处
Automotive Products
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In this free, 60-minute webinar, Dr.-Ing. Adam Korbel of Renesas explains how to support new automotive E/E architectures with dedicated “winning combo” chipset solutions.
The expert will also present a reference design that includes digital and analog Renesas ICs and comes with a reference software environment to enable an easy prototyping start.
Key topics and takeaways:
- Understand new automotive E/E architecture trends
- Discover the Renesas digital and analog chipset solution for Central Gateway/Connected
Gateway/High-performance-computer (HPC)/Car Server applications
- Learn how Renesas realizes the winning combo chipset approach on their evaluation boards and reference designs
- Find out how to reduce efforts on software development with the Renesas reference software environment
In this free, 60-minute webinar, Dr.-Ing. Adam Korbel of Renesas explains how to support new automotive E/E architectures with dedicated “winning combo” chipset solutions.
The expert will also present a reference design that includes digital and analog Renesas ICs and comes with a reference software environment to enable an easy prototyping start.
Key topics and takeaways:
- Understand new automotive E/E architecture trends
- Discover the Renesas digital and analog chipset solution for Central Gateway/Connected
Gateway/High-performance-computer (HPC)/Car Server applications
- Learn how Renesas realizes the winning combo chipset approach on their evaluation boards and reference designs
- Find out how to reduce efforts on software development with the Renesas reference software environment
■瑞萨电子R-Car AD/ADAS 方案 ;
- 瑞萨电子在汽车领域有丰富的产品线,介绍瑞萨电子针对汽车电子AD/ADAS相关R-Car SoC产品线的概况,以及针对前视智能摄像头,中央域控制器等应用的产品信息以及其应用场景。
- 瑞萨电子在汽车领域有丰富的产品线,介绍瑞萨电子针对汽车电子AD/ADAS相关R-Car SoC产品线的概况,以及针对前视智能摄像头,中央域控制器等应用的产品信息以及其应用场景。
参加本次网络研讨会,了解瑞萨新发布的64位入门级 RZ/FIVE微处理器(配备开放和免费的RISC-V ISA兼容CPU)如何解决所有这三个问题。
1. 高性能·CPU,创造新的附加值
2. 高效的产品开发
3. 降低系统成本
1. 高性能·CPU,创造新的附加值
2. 高效的产品开发
3. 降低系统成本
这手实验室演示中了解如何使用您自己的语音命令在几分钟内添加 VUI。该实验室包括:
•VUI 模板和工具的评估
• 运行模板并进行简单的更改
• 从头开始一个项目以演示在没有云连接的情况下将语音识别纳入产品设计是多么简单
•VUI 模板和工具的评估
• 运行模板并进行简单的更改
• 从头开始一个项目以演示在没有云连接的情况下将语音识别纳入产品设计是多么简单
Sensor Products, Automotive Products
Automotive, Electric & Hybrid Vehicles (EV)
In this free, 60-minute webinar, Guanyuan Chen of Renesas explains how to combine an inductive position sensor (IPS) with an xEV inverter solution to reduce costs and the bill of materials (BOM) when compared to using a resolver.
Chengzhe Li will explain how the xEV inverter application model and software control the motor, reducing software development time and effort.
Key topics and takeaways:
Learn how to reduce BOM components by using IPS, which is 30% less expensive than resolvers
Find out how to save time when achieving noise immunity by utilizing a pre-verified high voltage inverter environment (400V, 100kW, 500Arms)
Discover how to reduce potential rework through simulation at the design stage by using sample application IGBT models
Learn how to reduce application software programming effort by automatically generating sample application software
Find out how to reduce driver software programming effort using driver software whose operation has been confirmed on the reference board
Chengzhe Li will explain how the xEV inverter application model and software control the motor, reducing software development time and effort.
Key topics and takeaways:
Learn how to reduce BOM components by using IPS, which is 30% less expensive than resolvers
Find out how to save time when achieving noise immunity by utilizing a pre-verified high voltage inverter environment (400V, 100kW, 500Arms)
Discover how to reduce potential rework through simulation at the design stage by using sample application IGBT models
Learn how to reduce application software programming effort by automatically generating sample application software
Find out how to reduce driver software programming effort using driver software whose operation has been confirmed on the reference board
Microcontrollers & Microprocessors
Wireless Infrastructure
In this webinar you will learn:
• Types of applications that can most benefit from the combination of Panthronics NFC ICs and Renesas RA MCUs
• Details on IoT card readers, Point of Sale terminals, and wireless charging use cases
• How to use Renesas Winning Combination reference designs, Quick-Connect IoT Pmods and Panthronics Pmod expansion boards, which can significantly reduce your development time
• How to enable a secure NFC application in the shortest amount of time for numerous cost sensitive consumer and robust industrial applications
• Types of applications that can most benefit from the combination of Panthronics NFC ICs and Renesas RA MCUs
• Details on IoT card readers, Point of Sale terminals, and wireless charging use cases
• How to use Renesas Winning Combination reference designs, Quick-Connect IoT Pmods and Panthronics Pmod expansion boards, which can significantly reduce your development time
• How to enable a secure NFC application in the shortest amount of time for numerous cost sensitive consumer and robust industrial applications
Microcontrollers & Microprocessors
In this webinar, viewers will learn how easily a manufacturer can empower its devices with the DLMS protocol using Terranova's Smart Meter Library. DLMS / COSEM (IEC 62056, AINSI C12, EN13757-1) is the global standard for energy and water smart management, advanced control, and innovative metering.
Webinar topics:
- Analyze key features of the product
- Examine the technical benefits and overall architecture
- Highlight the RA and RL78 platform support
Webinar topics:
- Analyze key features of the product
- Examine the technical benefits and overall architecture
- Highlight the RA and RL78 platform support
In this webinar, you will learn:
- What O-RAN is and its advantages over traditional RAN topologies
- Timing topologies and requirements for each of the four synchronization plane configuration modes as defined by the O-RAN Alliance
- How Renesas' complete HW and SW timing solutions, with ClockMatrix hardware and PCM4L software, meet the O-RAN timing requirements for all configuration modes
- Benefits of using Renesas' ClockMatrix Family of synchronizers to guarantee both synchronization and low-noise sampling clocks for the RF converters and LO
- Benefits of using Renesas' PTP Clock Manager Software for Linux (PCM4L) with the ClockMatrix Family of synchronizers to guarantee IEEE 1588 compliance
- How the PMOD type 6A hardware architecture makes it simple to connect to any Renesas development kit
- How the integrated software reduces integration effort by providing software libraries and simple software APIs
- How the combined hardware and software solution of the Renesas Quick Connect system simplifies the transition from prototype to production
- What O-RAN is and its advantages over traditional RAN topologies
- Timing topologies and requirements for each of the four synchronization plane configuration modes as defined by the O-RAN Alliance
- How Renesas' complete HW and SW timing solutions, with ClockMatrix hardware and PCM4L software, meet the O-RAN timing requirements for all configuration modes
- Benefits of using Renesas' ClockMatrix Family of synchronizers to guarantee both synchronization and low-noise sampling clocks for the RF converters and LO
- Benefits of using Renesas' PTP Clock Manager Software for Linux (PCM4L) with the ClockMatrix Family of synchronizers to guarantee IEEE 1588 compliance
- How the PMOD type 6A hardware architecture makes it simple to connect to any Renesas development kit
- How the integrated software reduces integration effort by providing software libraries and simple software APIs
- How the combined hardware and software solution of the Renesas Quick Connect system simplifies the transition from prototype to production
在本次研讨会中,您将了解 RZ/T2M 为解决所面临的问题带来的好处:
1)搭载双核 Arm® Cortex-R52® 处理器子系统,具有许多电机控制外设,保证 μSec 级控制回路
2)创新的工业以太网子系统,包括对面向未来的时间敏感网络 (TSN)的 支持
3)深度支持功能安全的实施,减少 SIL3 应用所需的外部处理器数量
1)搭载双核 Arm® Cortex-R52® 处理器子系统,具有许多电机控制外设,保证 μSec 级控制回路
2)创新的工业以太网子系统,包括对面向未来的时间敏感网络 (TSN)的 支持
3)深度支持功能安全的实施,减少 SIL3 应用所需的外部处理器数量