RA4W1 MCU 群组评估套件
EK-RA4W1 评估套件可通过瑞萨电子的灵活配置软件包 (FSP) 和各种 IDE,帮助用户对 RA4W1 MCU 群组的特性轻松进行评估,并对嵌入系统应用程序进行开发。
- 用户可使用连接至 5V 电源的 micro USB 设备电缆,通过 USB 调试端口 (J11) 启动...
蓝牙低功耗(LE)是蓝牙™无线技术的低功耗模式,对功耗有影响,尤其适合电池供电应用。 蓝牙 LE 的吸引力在于,它可以在连接到智能手机和平板电脑应用程序期间运行。 瑞萨蓝牙 LE 解决方案提供行业内功耗最低的智能连接,可用于医疗保健和健身设备、家用电器以及 RFID 标签等应用,这些设备使用信标连接智能手机,低功耗,无需电线。
瑞萨蓝牙 LE 产品组合中包括 RA4W1 32 位微控制器(MCU)解决方案,该解决方案提供蓝牙 5.0 LE 和物联网设备必不可少的内置安全功能以及触摸键、USB 和 CAN 等丰富外围功能,并在单个芯片上为设备和无线通信提供系统控制。
This guide summarizes the Bluetooth LE MCU RA4W1 Solution and related resources for each product development phase. Please download and use it.
The RA4W1 32-bit MCU incorporate Bluetooth 5.0 LE, a secure crypto engine and low power functionality essential for any IoT application. The RA4W1 also features a rich set of peripheral features such as a capacitive touch sensing unit (CTSU) and a segment LCD controller (SLCDC), making it ideal for wireless applications that use a human machine interface (HMI).
RA4W1 MCU 集成了专用于蓝牙的高精度、低速、片上振荡器,无需外部匹配电路和外部电容器。
EK-RA4W1 评估套件可通过瑞萨电子的灵活配置软件包 (FSP) 和各种 IDE,帮助用户对 RA4W1 MCU 群组的特性轻松进行评估,并对嵌入系统应用程序进行开发。
这款产品提供适用于引脚接头的通孔,可连接所有 MCU 信号引脚,从而使用面包板轻松地进行原型设计。 购买评估板后,您可以直接使用从网站上下载的软件进行评估。
RA4W1 产品组的灵活配置软件包(FSP)提供符合蓝牙 v5.0 LE 规格的协议栈。 通过与 BLE 开发支持工具 QE 提供的符合蓝牙规格的配置文件相结合,您可以轻松开发利用 RA4W1 产品组蓝牙低功耗通信功能的应用。
提供蓝牙认证 56 种类型的标准配置文件/服务。The profile is generated from QE for BLE[RA,RE]. You can also design and generate a custom profile. Renesas also provides sample programs as a reference for your program development. The sample programs will be further expanded in the future.
Available sample programs:
示例程序 | 概述 |
RA4W1 Group Apple Notification Center Service (ANCS) Sample Application (ZIP | English, 日本語) | The ANCS sample application operates on the evaluation kit EK-RA4W1 and connects to iOS devices via Bluetooth LE wireless communication. |
RA family BLE sample application (ZIP) | These sample programs can work on evaluation kit EK-RA4W1 or user’s custom board. They can use a custom profile to change the blink rate of LED mounted on the board from remote device (e.g. smart phone) and send notification by pushing switch mounted on the board to remote device via Bluetooth LE wireless communication. |
RA4W1 Group - High Data throughput sample application (ZIP | English, 日本語) | This sample application uses LE 2MPHY to realize high data throughput Bluetooth LE wireless communication between one pair of evaluation kit EK-RA4W1. Both server and client side demo projects are provided. |
RA4W1 group Environmental sensor network solution control sample software for building / HVAC (ZIP | English, 日本語) | This software is an environmental sensor network solution control sample software for building / HVAC using RA4W1, ZMOD4410 (IAQ), HS3001 (Humidity & Temp. Sensor). By using this software, it is possible to collect IAQ (air quality) and humidity & temperature information of multiple devices via Bluetooth LE wireless communication. By using this sample software, you can easily build an environmental sensing system suitable for building / HVAC. |
Bluetooth Mesh Stack:
The Bluetooth Mesh stack is provided by FSP v3.6.0 or later, so please use this to develop products that conform to the Bluetooth Mesh Networking specification. Bluetooth Mesh is a network optimized for building large-scale device networks, enabling multipoint-to-multipoint device communication. This technology is suitable for IoT solutions where performance, reliability, and security are important, such as building automation, sensor networks, and asset tracking.
Please refer to the following application notes for how to develop a Mesh application.
Available sample programs:
示例程序 | 概述 |
RA4W1 Group Bluetooth Mesh sample application (ZIP | English, 日本語) |
By using the Mesh network, it will be possible to transmit data over long range, easily expand the network, and build a network that is resistant to communication failures. The demo program included in this sample application can execute the four phases of Bluetooth Mesh (Provisioning, Configuration, Model Communication, and Node Removal). |
RA4W1 Group Bluetooth Mesh Startup Guide (ZIP | English, 日本語) |
This startup guide explains how to introduce Bluetooth Mesh using the Bluetooth Mesh stack. As sample code, a mobile application "MeshMobile (Mesh Mobile)" that operates as a Provisioner and Configuration Client for Bluetooth Mesh wireless communication on a smartphone is included. A suite of build environments for Mesh Mobile apps (a suite of project for Android Studio + a suite of project for Xcode) is included, so you can use it as a development base for Bluetooth Mesh applications for smartphones. In addition, you can also easily evaluate Bluetooth Mesh communication operation with the RA4W1 by installing the MeshMobile from the application store. |
我们提供了适应各种应用开发需求的蓝牙 LE 软件解决方案。 有关更多信息,请参阅协议栈产品页面。
QE for BLE[RA,RE] 是一款专用工具,用于在支持蓝牙低功耗协议栈的系统中开发嵌入式软件。 此解决方案工具包在集成了 e² studio 的开发环境(IDE)中运行。 e² studio 与 QE for BLE[RA,RE] 相结合,可轻松测试瑞萨 RA4W1 蓝牙 LE 微型计算机的通信功能,从而缩短产品上市时间。使用此工具生成标准配置文件。 此外还可以设计并生成自定义配置文件。
有关更多信息,请参阅 QE for BLE[RA,RE]: 低功耗蓝牙开发辅助工具页面。
TryBT 是一款智能手机示例应用程序,支持与蓝牙 LE 产品通信的功能。 您可以使用预装在 EK-RA4W1 评估套件中的固件来验证通信功能。对RX23W 和 RE01B也同样有效。
另外,我们还提供对应的图标图像以及 Android Studio 项目与源代码,因此您可以在概念验证阶段将此应用程序示例用作开发蓝牙 LE 通信应用程序的基础。
TryBT 下载:
The Windows 10 Bluetooth LE application is an application example for Windows 10 that communicates with the firmware pre-installed on the EK-RA4W1 evaluation kit, controls the LED blinking interval on the evaluation board and counts the number of times the switch is pressed.
In addition, a set of projects that can be launched and used in Visual Studio 2017 are provided, so you can use this application example as a base for developing Bluetooth LE communication apps that run on Windows in a Proof of Concept (PoC) phase.
Windows 10 Bluetooth LE 应用程序下载:Bluetooth LE microcomputer / module Windows 10 Bluetooth LE Application Rev.1.00 - Sample Code (ZIP) (PDF文档+Visual Studio 2017项目集)
在开发过程的调查/评估阶段,可以通过使用蓝牙测试工具套件(BTTS)来评估由蓝牙 LE MCU 提供支持的蓝牙 LE 的功能和性能,了解新的 LE 功能、API 执行程序和 API 参数。
在设备的认证阶段,它可以用作 GUI 工具,用于在 Radio Law 认证测试中操作被测设备 (DUT)。
BTTS 下载:Bluetooth LE MCU Bluetooth Test Tool Suite operating instructions Rev.1.07 (ZIP | English, 日本語) (PDF 文档 + Windows 应用程序)
RA4W1 的目标应用:
瑞萨还提供了许多引人注目的模拟+电源+嵌入式处理+ 连接的"成功产品组合"。
解决方案标题 | 概述 |
常见 | |
具有机器学习和蓝牙低能耗物联网传感器板 | 这是一个多用途物联网 (IoT) 传感器板解决方案的参考设计。它为边缘设备提供自动机器学习平台 (AutoML)。 解决方案包括空气质量传感器、光传感器、温度和湿度传感器、6 轴惯性测量单元(IMU)和麦克风。 |
家庭 / 楼宇自动化 | |
带蓝牙的浴室气味检测器 | 瑞萨电子 ZMOD4410 室内空气质量传感器、HS3003 温湿度传感器以及 RA4W1 蓝牙 LE MCU 的组合使用户能够对浴室中的气体进行检测。气味水平、温度和湿度值可以通过带有蓝牙 LE 无线通信的便携式设备进行监测。 |
Renesas' Voice Recognition Solutions do not need an internet connection (edge voice recognition solution), thus providing differentiation and high functionality in current products.
The RA4W1 Voice Recognition with Bluetooth Low Energy Solution enables edge voice recognition, voice playback, Bluetooth LE wireless communication and environmental sensing using a single RA4W1 Bluetooth LE MCU.
Please refer to the Knowledge Base for FAQs on Bluetooth specifications, MCUs, modules, protocol stacks, development environments, qualification, and more.
Software title
Software type
RA 可扩展性强的配置软件包 (FSP) FSP 是一款增强型软件包,旨在为使用瑞萨电子 RA 系列 Arm 微控制器的嵌入式系统设计提供简单易用且可扩展性强的高质量软件。
Software Package | 瑞萨电子 |
QE for BLE: Development Assistance Tool for Bluetooth® Low Energy Debugging support tool that specializes in Bluetooth® Low Energy system development [Plugin for Renesas IDE "e² studio"] [Support MCU/MPU: RA, RX, RL78]
Solution Toolkit | 瑞萨电子 |
e² studio 基于 Eclipse 的瑞萨集成开发环境 (IDE)。
[支持MCU/MPU:RA、RE、RX、RL78、RH850、Renesas Synergy、RZ]
IDE and Coding Tool | 瑞萨电子 |
Renesas Flash Programmer (Programming GUI) 闪存编程软件 [支持 MCU/MPU 和器件:RA、RE、RX、RL78、RH850、RISC-V MCU Renesas Synergy、DA1453x、DA1459x、DA1469x、DA1470x、电源管理、Renesas USB Power Delivery Family、电机驱动器/执行器驱动器 IC、V850、78K0R、78K0]
Programmer (Unit/SW) | 瑞萨电子 |
4 items