用于感应充电解决方案的 Qi 无线电源

瑞萨电子提供业内集成度最高和最先进的 PMA 和 Qi 无线充电解决方案,适用于感应充电应用(也被称为电磁感应或直接感应)。 感应电源解决方案可在彼此靠近的两个线圈之间传输电力,但可通过非干扰性材料分离开,如塑料手机外壳或木质台面。 该技术有助于对感应充电“热点进行全面的部署”,使消费者只需将设备置于某个表面上便可充电。

Qi 标准或 PMA 标准… 瑞萨电子拥有双模式!

2013 年,瑞萨电子宣布推出业内首款与 Qi 和 PMA 标准兼容的双模无线电源接收器 IC,立即吸引了整个感应充电市场。 创新的感应充电器解决方案填补了竞争传输标准之间的技术差异,使移动设备和配件 OEM 使用单个物料清单 (BOM) 便可同时支持两种标准。

目前,瑞萨电子在提供符合最新 PMA 和 Qi 标准的双模解决方案。 设备整合了多种功能,并具有很高的效率,可将应用程序占用空间、元件数量和热耗散降至最低程度。 新型无线电源接收器支持所有 WPC 和 PMA 接收线圈以及专有的和基于 PCB 的线圈,实现最大的多功能性。


为了满足超小型手机的形状因数,瑞萨电子引进了全球首款单芯片无线电源发送器 IC 和业内首款多模功能型单芯片无线电源接收器 IC。 与其它解决方案相比,高度集成的 Qi 无线电源解决方案可显著降低了电路板占用空间和 BOM 成本,使其成为各种应用的理想选择,包括智能电话、平板电脑、封套和其它配件。

此外,当与兼容的 瑞萨电子发送器配对使用时,许多 瑞萨电子产品能够在专有操作模式下切换,从而增加更多功能,提高安全性,并增强电源输出能力。 瑞萨电子丰富的感应充电产品组合还可适应各种线圈和电压配置。

瑞萨电子参与定义 PMA 和 Qi 标准

该行业最常见的两个感应充电标准为 WPC Qi 标准和 PMA 标准。 瑞萨电子很早便参与了这两个标准的编制工作,通过开发必要的 IC 硬件来帮助将感应电力传输技术大规模部署到消费类设备上,推动感应充电器的普及。

无线充电联盟 (WPC)

瑞萨电子是 WPC 的正式成员,致力于开发满足 WPC Qi(读作“气”)标准的产品。 Qi 无线充电标准是一个高效的无线电源标准,目前正在迅速扩大,以满足多种应用和配置要求。 有关 WPC 和 Qi 标准的更多信息,请点击此处

电力事务联盟 (PMA)

瑞萨电子是 PMA 的成员,在充电垫和套装领域拥有很大的安装基数,并与业内领先的零售商建立了越来越多的合作关系。 有关 PMA 和 PMA 标准的更多信息,请点击此处

感应电源技术有助于以无线方式将电能从电源(感应充电器)传输到电力负载(感应接收器)。 根据电磁耦合原则,感应充电器使用感应线圈从充电基站内建立一个交变电磁场,与此同时,嵌入便携式设备中的第二个线圈接收来自电磁场的电力,然后将其转化成为电流,用于向设备供电及为电池充电。 该技术在电线会产生危险、无法连接或使用不便等情况下有用。

感应充电解决方案最为人们所熟悉的是用于智能手机的售后垫,但也可集成到家具、汽车和飞机座位之中。 专业医疗和全天候应用也非常适合使用感应充电技术。 瑞萨电子与其客户紧密合作,提供所需的核心电路,来帮助开发创新、安全、高效和紧凑的下一代感应充电产品。


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Wireless Power Reference Solution for 0.5W to 3W Ultra-compact Applications

IDT’s wireless power reference kit is targeted for applications ranging from 0.5 to 3W. The reference kit is comprised of both the transmitter (P9235A-R-EVK) and the receiver (P9027LP-R-EVK) with three different coil size options supporting applications with different form factors.

The comprehensive, turnkey reference design enables immediate prototyping. An associated layout module allows for direct instantiation on to a system board, while an optimized and fully-tested BOM takes the guess-work out of component selection. In addition, the extensive digital library of collateral eliminates traditional design and support barriers regardless of application volume.

Presented by Andrew Luchsinger, Technical Marketing at IDT. To request samples, download documentation, or learn more, visit: http://www.IDT.com/WP3W-RK.


Hi. My name is Andrew Luchsinger, technical marketing at IDT. Today, I'd like to introduce our 3-watt wireless power reference solution optimized for small form factor applications. The kits have been designed for a fast prototyping and design integration, allowing users to go from concept to functional prototype in some cases in just a few minutes. The reference solution is based on the P9235A-R and the P9027LP-R wireless power transmitter and receiver. These are high-performance products designed specifically to maximize efficiency while minimizing size. The kit features three preconfigured coil options for 1 watt, 2 watt, and 3-watt applications ranging in size from 12 millimeters to 30 millimeters in diameter, allowing the user to select the coil most appropriate for the application. 
Circuits on both the transmitter and receiver have been tuned to work with each other. Since there is not currently an industry standard for low-power applications, IDT guarantees interoperability when using this reference circuit with any of the three coil options provided in the box. The end-to-end system efficiency is almost 80% with a 600 milliamp load, which is over 20% higher than the current competitive solutions in this space. This is not only good for saving power, but to minimize heat as well. In addition to the kits prototype readiness and excellent specifications, the reference kit is complemented with extensive design-in support collateral, including full bill of materials, reference layout files, and more, making it truly drop-in ready for small-sized applications ready to shed their cables and reap the advantages of wireless power. To get a kit, learn more, or browse IDT’s other wireless power reference solutions, visit idt.com/go/wpkits. Thank you.