

[Upgrade to Version] e² studio 2024-10 (PDF | English, 日本語)
The e² studio newly supports the RZ/T2ME group. (2024-07 or later)

e² studio is an Eclipse-based integrated development environment (IDE) for Renesas MCUs. In addition to Eclipse’s own powerful code editor, e² studio offers a rich range of extended functions. e² studio covers all development processes, from the downloading of sample code to debugging.

We provide the platform installer includes Flexible Software Package (FSP) and e² studio for users using FSP support RZ Family products. For more detail, see Release Information.


64-bit version (Note1)2024-10Oct 22, 2024
32-bit version (Note2)V7.8.0Apr 20, 2020


  1. Use e² studio 2022-07 or earlier for RZ/A1, RZ/A2.
  2. Henceforth, only the 64-bit version of the e² studio is to have regular updates. Updates to the 32-bit version of the e² studio, on the other hand, will be limited to essential modifications.

FSP Platform installer for RZ Family

GroupFSP web page
RZ/G2L, RZ/G2LC, RZ/G2UL, RZ/G3Shttps://github.com/renesas/rzg-fsp
RZ/T2M, RZ/T2ME, RZ/T2Lhttps://github.com/renesas/rzt-fsp
RZ/V2L, RZ/V2Hhttps://github.com/renesas/rzv-fsp

Information on Usage

InstallationBuilding and DebuggingGenerating Code
e² studio Integrated Development Environment User's Manual: Getting Started RENESAS MCU RZ Family (PDF | English, 日本語)RZ/A2M Smart Configurator User Guide: e² studio (PDF | English, 日本語)
The user guides for the code-generating tools for the other groups of the RZ Family are being prepared.



e² studio FAQs
Where can I find e² studio tutorial?
Project Migration from CS+ to e² studio

See all related FAQs



  1. For development of RZ/T2M, RZ/T2ME, RZ/T2L, and RZ/N2L, we recommend to install e² studio by platform installer included FSP(Flexible Software Package).
    RZ/T2M, RZ/T2ME, RZ/T2L Platform Installer
    RZ/N2L Platform Installer
  2. The e² studio supports the development of software for sub-cores of the RZ/G2L, RZ/G2LC, RZ/G2UL, RZG3S, and RZ/V2L. For details, refer to the “Multi-OS Package” page for the given product.
    Software - Middleware, Drivers, OS


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Upgrade - IDE 登录后下载 ZIP 1,624.69 MB 日文
Upgrade - IDE 登录后下载 RUN 1,499.06 MB 日文
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(RZ/V2L, RZ/V2H)
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(RZ/T2M, RZ/T2L)
软件和工具 - 其他
7 items




e² studio Tips - Use of IO Registers View During Debugging

This video demonstrates the use of the IO Registers (SFR) view when debugging in e² studio.

Related Resources

Video List

Additional Details

e² studio

See the table below for features of the software and tools available for use with the e² studio on RZ-family products.
For an overview of the functions and features of the e² studio, refer to e² studio (the general page).

Support for code generation and other useful functions for the RZ family

Tool nameDescription
Smart ConfiguratorA GUI-based tool that provides support for downloading and importing middleware for code generation and configuring various settings
Smart ManualA function that allows you to find various information in a hardware manual, such as on registers, without opening the actual hardware manual
Smart BrowserA function that allows you to easily search and show the latest version of the hardware manual, technical updates, application notes, and tool news for the Renesas microcontroller you are using


Compilers for the RZ Family

Supported CompilerInformation on Usage
Open Source
GNU Arm Embedded
  • The GNU compilers can be installed through selection with the installer of the e² studio. This requires an Internet connection.
    Also, the GNU tools for each family can be installed free of charge by downloading them from the GNU Web site (registration is required for the e² studio which has already been installed).
    GCC6.2; 6-2016-q4-major and later versions: arm Developer
    GCC 5.4; 5-2016-q3-updated version: Launchpad.ne
    Relation between GCC version and toolchain version


Debugging tools for the RZ Family

  • Segger J-Link (Note1)


  1. Product from a Renesas partner


QE: Tools for Particular Applications for the RZ Family

Details: QE(Quick and Effective tool solution)


Simpler Development of IoT Devices Connectable with Cloud Service

The e² studio supports the development of software for IoT devices to be connectable with Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure Cloud Computing Service. The e² studio offers the following powerful functions for FreeRTOS or Azure RTOS.

  • Quick building after downloading the latest version of FreeRTOS or Azure RTOS project directly from GitHub®
  • Assisting in configuring RTOS, all required drivers, network stacks (TCP/IP, Wi-Fi, and MQTT), and component libraries (Device Shadow, Azure RTOS NetX duo so on)(Note1)
  • Embedding additional middleware and drivers (such as for USB and file-system support) in IoT devices


  1. The settable components of RTOS are as follows: MQTT, Greengrass Discovery, Device Shadow, Azure RTOS NetX duo , Secure Sockets, and TCP/IP